Dietician - Nutritionist
Eleftheria Kyprioti-Spartali is a Dietitian-Nutritionist and a member of the Panhellenic Association of Dietitians-Nutritionists. She graduated with honours from the Department of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of the Hellenic Mediterranean University. During her studies, she participated in the "Archimedes III - Strengthening Research Groups at TEIs" programme, with the aim of promoting Healthy Nutrition in children.
Her diploma thesis on the subject: "Melekouni of Rhodes, a traditional product: Nutritional Value, Production and Consumption", was prepared in collaboration with Dr. Antonella Psaroudaki, Assistant Professor of Healthy Nutrition and Food (Hellenic Mediterranean University). The study, hosted in the press and presented publicly, showed that, melekouni of Rhodes, not only has beneficial properties as a food, but can also be included as a top product in the most balanced and healthy diet, compared to any other snack or food bar .
Today, Eleftheria maintains her dietetic office in the Rhodes area, dealing with many cases and being informed about current scientific developments. At the same time, she gives speeches in schools, with the aim of informing and raising children's awareness.
Her research interests focus on the areas of traditional nutrition, as well as healthy weight regulation, using healthy local traditional products.