As part of the action SWEETEN YOUR HERITAGE KARYSTOS, the BEELOSOPHY crew followed the cultural path of Karystos, with the Bees as protagonists. The innovation was that we attempted to restore the sustainable interface between man and nature through art. Pupils, students, local actors and artists from Karystos and elsewhere were inspired by the action and created original works of art. More specifically:
The 2nd Primary School of Karystos painted beehives which reflect the students' concern on the environment and encourage us all to understand our role and responsibilities in the ecosystem.
The students of the School of Higher Vocational Training of Karystos created photography artworks, which invite us to draw useful lessons from the society of Bees. In fact, the students also wrote a fairy tale, which they dedicated to the action, and are planning to implement a theatrical performance!
The following artists created works of art (painting, sculpture, complex creations, etc.): Tassos Sintelis, Elisabeth Nead, Simon Benzaquen, Gabriella Petsiou, Athanasios Vakirtzis, Eva Angelaka, Dominique Lietaert, Marleen Kalk, Ria Axeli, Melina Elena Stylianou, Katerina Kounavi, Irene Rapti, Marina Stavrou, Liliana Kotur, Sissy Panagopoulou, Evangelos Sideris, Anita Xanthou. Also, the artists of the ECO FLANEUR group: Panagiotis Voulgaris, Penny Geka, Vassilis Kavouridis, Stavroula Kaziale, Katerina Kalitsounaki, Sofia Kyriakou, Katerina Lampropoulou, Andreas Mitropoulos, Vassiliki Mylona, Apostolos Papageorgiou, Aphroditi Papadoule, Vivi Perysinaki, Eva Rentzou, Athena Robier, Vicky Samouilidou, Chrysa Skordaki, Konstantina Sylikou, Konstantinos Tolis.
Irini Christoforidi wrote the adventure of Karysti in the bee lands of Mount Ochi (fairy tale).
We captured rare images, sounds and aromas of culture, and myths in the footsteps of the dragon of the legendary Mount Ochi: endemic plants; the "fairy land" of Platanistos; Kastanologgos with its age-old chestnut trees-monuments of nature; traditional beekeepers - Kiki Stamatiou and Christos Gouletas, who prepare handcrafted pasteli (sesame honey bar) with pure Kissouri honey and homemade mead, and Maria and Kostas Tsapepas, who extract freshly collected giulberi (rose honey) with thyme manually, as in the old days; authentic artists who resist the today - the whistler Panagiotis Paraskevas (olive leaf music, whistled language), the musician and singer Chrysoula Paliouri (traditional Lyre of Cavo D'oro), among others.
The above is captured by the Department of Digital Arts and Cinema of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens (Konstantinos Potamianos and Antonis Kordatos, under the supervision of the President of the Department Ioannis Skopeteas) in audio-visual material, which is widely displayed on social and other networks, websites and public presentations.
The BEELOSOPHY team experienced Karystian hospitality at the
Aegea Hotel (Pigadakia, Karystos, tel.: 2224
029055), with a panoramic view of Karystos. It enjoyed high-quality
Mediterranean cuisine by the sea at the Moschokarydo restaurant / bistro /
cafe (114, Kriezotou str., Karystos, tel.:
We sincerely thank Evangelia Athanasiou, President of the Beekeeping Association of Karystos DIMITRIS RIGAS for her valuable assistance, and Andreas Bekas, executive of the Region of Attica, for his support on Project management.

With financial support and under the auspices
